
Displaying News and Event Items:   691 - 700 of 816.

SAKI Makes Forensic Magazine Headlines
Forensic Magazine, Jan 16, 2018

As 2018 ushers in another year of coordinated sexual assault response for SAKI grantees, Forensic Magazine reflected on SAKI's legacy to test all unsubmitted sexual assault kits and pursue prosecutions in Cuyahoga County (OH), Memphis (TN), and Phoenix (AZ). SAKI Director and Senior Forensic Policy Advisor at the Office of Justice Programs, Dr. Angela Williamson, was interviewed as part of the magazine's "Rape Kits in America" series. Read all 3 parts for a full picture of today's challenges and successes.

SAKI Partners with the FBI Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)
SAKI TTA, Dec 4, 2017

The BJA SAKI team has partnered with ViCAP in an effort to increase use of the database and the sharing of crime intelligence information from SAKI-related cases across jurisdictions and the country. ViCAP staff are available to assist sites in gaining entry into the system; provide training on optimal use of the database; and conduct crime analysis on specific offenders/cases upon request. ViCAP has a designated SAKI analyst to directly assist our sites. Contact for more information.

USF Advanced Training For Cold Case Sex Assault
Florida Institute of Forensic Anthropology & Applied Science, Dec 4, 2017

Attention Detectives, Campus Police, CSI Personnel, ME Investigators, and Prosecutors! This upcoming course is designed to provide attendees with the best practices and standards for developing cold case investigative strategies, including case management, cold case review, crime scene interpretation, case linkage, forensic evidence, CODIS hit follow up, interviewing strategies, proper case closure, and court preparation/prosecution. Attendees will participate in a cold case review/table top activity to practically apply the knowledge gained throughout the sessions. The training will also provide critical information on victim impact in and how to develop strategies to provide support for survivors.

DOJ to Clear Sexual Assault Testing Backlog by End of 2018, Nov 2, 2017

Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel announced that the Department of Justice will process all previously submitted sexual assault kits by the end of 2018 with the assistance of federal funding provided by the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative.

PPB making progress in testing rape kit backlog; developing way to track kits electronically
Fox 12 Oregon,, Nov 2, 2017

In October 2017, the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) hosted the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Summit of Cities Conference. With grant funding, the PPB was able to develop a database to track sexual assault kits called the Sexual Assault Management System (SAMS).

Montana received a grant and new guidelines to process rape kits more effectively
Kaitlin Miller,, Oct 30, 2017

After receiving grant funding, Montana is revising their sexual assault kit by removing unnecessary items and simplifying the process of collecting evidence.

Mobile Police Department awarded another $1.9 million in SAKI grants to test rape kits
Keith Lane,, Oct 6, 2017

The Mobile Police Department (MPD) received another $1.9 million in funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI). This is the third year that MPD has received SAKI funding.

Montana receives $900K to continue Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
Jonathon Ambarian, MTN News, Oct 6, 2017

Montana received more than $900,000 in funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative. The money will be used to help fund a training coordinator, a victim advocate and a cold case investigator.

$2 million federal grant to help Cleveland police test older rape kits, support victims
Rachel Dissell,, Oct 5, 2017

A grand jury recently indicted Nathan Ford for a 2003 rape after testing previously unsubmitted SAKs. Ford has already been convicted of 3 other rapes based on earlier batches of rape kits sent for testing.

State makes progress on backlog of untested sex assault kits
Terri Inefuku,, Oct 5, 2017

Between July and September of 2017, Hawaii submitted 614 previously untested sexual assault kits (SAKs) for testing, up 72 SAKs from the previous quarter.