
The SAKI TTA program is providing a webinar series to provide guidance on SAK-related issues including inventory, testing, and tracking of SAKs; training to increase effectiveness in addressing the complex issues associated with unsubmitted SAKs; and providing guidance regarding multidisciplinary coordination, investigation, prosecution, and victim advocacy engagement regarding unsubmitted SAKs.

See the list below for our upcoming webinars and for links to view our archived webinars.

Meet the SAKI Experts Interview Series

Impacts of COVID-19 Discussion Series

SAKI: Getting Started in Sexual Assault Response Reform

Grant Award Administration

SAKI: A Multidisciplinary Approach

SAK Inventory, Tracking and Testing

Sexual Assault Advocacy

Virtual Victim Support, Engagement, and Notification
Panel Discussion
Apr 20, 2021
Serving Families of Victims: Unsolved Homicides
Ryan Backmann, Founder / Executive Director, Project Cold Case, Inc.
Feb 7, 2019
Victim Notification: Safety and Privacy Planning
Lauren DeVries, Crime Victim Advocate, Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Oct 23, 2018
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 1
Dr. Rebecca Campbell, Michigan State University
Jan 12, 2018
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 2
Dr. Rebecca Campbell, Michigan State University
Jan 12, 2018
The Neurobiology of Trauma Part 3
Dr. Rebecca Campbell, Michigan State University
Jan 12, 2018
Shared Space Shapes a Shared Mission
Rachel Lovell and Misty Luminais, Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education at Case Western Reserve University
Jun 14, 2017
Strategies for Victim Notification
Ilse Knecht, Joyful Heart Foundation; Rebecca O'Connor, Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Jul 27, 2016

Sexual Assault Investigations

Sexual Assault Prosecution

SAKI: Other Violent Crime Cold Cases

SAKI: Research

SAKI Site Presentations

Media and Community Engagement

SAKI Training and Technical Assistance: Purpose Area 2